Ever wondered about stomach troubles? Let's explore how too many bacteria in your small intestine can cause problems. Join the journey to understand SIBO and its effects on your gut health.


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is when there’s an abnormal increase of colonic bacteria in the small intestine. This can upset your intestine and make it feel not so good.

Your big intestine part (colon) needs special bacteria to work well. But sometimes, bacteria go to the wrong spot in your intestine. They end up in your small intestine. This can make your digestion imbalanced.

Is SIBO Common?

Finding out about SIBO can be hard. We're not sure how often it happens in people who are mostly healthy. The common sign of SIBO is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Having irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) makes SIBO more possible, but there are other things too. Other medical conditions that can increase the chance of developing SIBO include:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Celiac disease
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Colon cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Immunodeficiency disorders
  • Intestinal lymphoma
  • Lupus
  • Pancreatitis
  • Scleroderma

Growing older, having stomach surgery, hurting your intestines, or getting special stomach treatment can add to SIBO chances. But sometimes, SIBO can happen even if you don't have these problems.

Why Does SIBO Occur?

The small intestine has soldiers like bile, enzymes, and gastric acid. They fight to keep the bacteria balanced and help with the digestion of food. But when you're sick, get stomach surgery, or take strong medicines, these soldiers get tired. Bad bacteria then start to grow in the stomach.

What Are the Symptoms of SIBO?

You might think you have SIBO because of signs like:

  • Stomach pain, bloating, and abdominal distention (especially after meals)
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Chronic constipation
  • IBS symptoms
  • “Fishy” body odor
  • Generalized unexplained symptoms, such as fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, muscle pain, etc.

People who haven't gotten help for SIBO for a long time might also have trouble getting vitamins and minerals. This can make some of the non-relevant symptoms. For instance, not having enough calcium can make muscles pain, not having enough selenium can make skin red and itchy, and not having enough vitamin B-12 can cause nerve pain, tiredness, and reduced red blood cells.

How Do You Know If You Have SIBO?

SIBO is often missed for different reasons. Sometimes, it's not clear because it's not severe. Other times, it can look like something else, like IBS.

Doctors might not even check for SIBO even if a person has many of the problems we talked about. Even if the doctor were to test for it, the current methods are far from perfect

  1. Breath Test:

To find out about stomach issues, doctors often use a test where you breathe into a tube. This helps them know if you have problems like SIBO or digestion troubles when you eat certain things. They use this test when trying to figure out if you have IBS.


The test looks at things like hydrogen, methane, or carbon dioxide that come out when you breathe. Depending on how much of these things are in your breath, it can tell if you have an intestinal problem.

  1. Stool Analysis:

This test is like a detective looking in your stomach. It can see if there are bad bacteria that usually shouldn't be in the small intestine. This helps doctors know what might be making you feel not so good. It's like solving a mystery to help your digestive tract be better!

  1. Small Bowel Aspirate:

During this test, doctors collect a small amount of liquid from your small intestine. They look at this liquid to see if there are any bad bacteria. It's like checking for clues in a small intestine sample to understand what's causing the trouble.

Natural Remedy Options for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO):

  1. Elemental Diet:

When fixing SIBO, the first thing is to make the bad bacteria in your small intestine go hungry. But don't worry, you won't go without food. You'll eat a special diet that helps your body take in nutrients better. One way is with something called the elemental diet.

This diet has no things that the bad bacteria like, such as fiber. It's mostly liquids that already have nutrients ready for your body. This helps your body without needing bad bacteria to help.

You only do this diet for a short time, maybe a few weeks. It's a good way to start fixing SIBO.

  1. Low-FODMAP Diet:

FODMAP is an acronym for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.” FODMAPs are carbs that don't go well in the small intestine. If you eat lots of these foods, you might get too much gas and feel bloated. But if you avoid these foods, your intestine helpers can feel better.

  1. Probiotics:

It might seem strange, but probiotics can actually help with too many bacteria. Probiotics are good bacteria that make more good bacteria grow. Probiotic Supplements support balanced gut microbiome, crucial for overall wellness. Promote good bacteria while regulating bad bacteria to support gut health. Ideal for managing SIBO and maintaining digestive health.

  1. MCT:

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fatty acids that can have a variety of positive effects on your body and brain. They're also helpful for SIBO because your body can use them right away without needing special helpers. Most MCTs come from coconut oil. But you can also find them in palm kernel oil and some dairy foods. Try MCT Supplement made from pure coconut goodness that easily blends in your favorite drink, providing clean energy for your brain and also managing SIBO and keeping your gut and brain wellness.

  1. Nutrients:

SIBO makes it hard for your small intestine to work right and take in good things. This can make you miss out on important things your body needs, like vitamins and minerals. You might not have enough vitamins like A, B12, D, E, or K, and you might be low in minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, or zinc. Nutrient Supplements provide vitamins and minerals. It also supports a balanced gut, managing SIBO and overall health.


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), when too many colonic bacteria upset your intestine. Learn about SIBO's link to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other health issues. See how age and surgeries can trigger SIBO. Find solutions like diets, good bacteria, and MCTs for energy. Use breath tests and stool checks to uncover answers for a healthier gut.

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