Inflammation is a natural response of your body to fight infections, injuries, and toxins. It helps you heal and protect yourself from harm. However, sometimes inflammation can become chronic, meaning it lasts long and does not go away.
Chronic inflammation can cause damage to your cells, tissues, and organs, and increase your risk of developing various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Long-term inflammation makes your body age faster and you look and feel older.
But what causes chronic inflammation and aging? And what can you do to prevent or delay them? In this blog post, we will explore some of the factors that contribute to inflammation and aging and some of the strategies that can help you maintain good health and slow down the aging process.
Inflammatory markers and levels of pro-inflammatory growth factors
One of the ways to measure inflammation in your body is to look at the levels of certain substances in your blood, called inflammatory markers. These include two substances: cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP).
Cytokines are molecules that control the immune system and inflammation. The liver produces CRP when there is inflammation. High levels of these markers indicate that your body is in a state of inflammation.
Some hormones, such as IGF-1 and TNF-alpha, can affect inflammation and aging. They make cells grow and divide, but they also cause inflammation and oxidative stress, which hurt your cells. High levels of these growth factors can accelerate aging and increase your risk of cancer and other inflammatory diseases.
Cell senescence and senescence-associated secretory phenotype
Another cause of inflammation and aging is cell senescence, which is the process by which cells stop dividing and become dysfunctional. Cell senescence can occur due to various reasons, such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, telomere shortening, and chronic inflammation. Cell senescence can be beneficial in some cases, as it prevents the growth of damaged or cancerous cells.
Senescent cells can also make and release things that cause inflammation and aging, such as cytokines, growth factors, and proteases. These things can hurt the cells and tissues around them. We call this the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).
Senescent cells and SASP build up in your body. They hurt and slow down the healing of your skin, brain, heart, immune system, and metabolism. This makes you inflamed and old.
The gut microbiota and the immune system
The gut microbiota is another factor. It is the group of tiny living things in your gut. It helps your health by helping you break down food, make vitamins, control your immune system, and fight germs.
As you get older, different things, such as what you eat, what medicine you take, how stressed you are, and if you get sick, can change the types and numbers of tiny living things in your gut. This can make the good and bad ones out of balance, which can make you inflamed and mess up your gut’s normal work.
The gut microbiota can also influence your immune system, which is the network of cells and molecules that defend you from foreign invaders and diseases. The immune system can also change with age, becoming less effective and more prone to inflammation. We call this immunosenescence. It makes you more likely to get infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.
The gut microbiota and the immune system can communicate with each other through various molecules, such as cytokines, and modulate each other’s function and activity. Therefore, maintaining a healthy gut microbiota can help you support your immune system and prevent inflammation and aging.
How to prevent or delay inflammation and aging
The good news is that you can do something to prevent or delay inflammation and aging, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and making some simple changes in your habits. Here are some of the things you can do to reduce inflammation and slow down aging:
- Eat a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, and olive oil. These foods have things that help you fight inflammation and oxidative stress, and keep your cells and DNA safe. Stay away from or eat less of foods that make you inflamed, such as white bread, cheese, fried foods, red and processed meats, and sugar. These foods make the levels of inflammation and growth factors go up and hurt your gut and immune system.
- Exercise regularly and moderately, at least 2.5 hours per week, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Exercise makes your blood flow better, your muscles and bones stronger, your metabolism faster, your mood happier, and your brain sharper. It helps you fight inflammation and growth factors, and avoid or control diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
- Manage your stress and practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or hobbies. Stress makes you inflamed and old, by making more cortisol, a hormone that lowers your immune cells and makes your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol go up. Stress also hurts your gut and your mental health, making you anxious, sad, and sleepless. Relaxation techniques make your cortisol go down and your nervous system relax and make you feel better and happier.
- Sleep well and enough, for 7 to 9 hours every night, as the National Sleep Foundation says. Sleep helps your health, by giving you energy, fixing your cells and tissues, making your memory stronger, and controlling your hormones. Not sleeping well or enough makes you inflamed and old, by making the levels of inflammation and growth factors go up and hurting your immune system, metabolism, and brain. To sleep better, you can do some things, like not having caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine before bed, sleeping at the same time every day, making your sleeping place comfortable and dark, and not looking at screens or blue lights at night.
- Avoid or quit smoking and limit your alcohol consumption, as these habits can cause inflammation and aging, by increasing the levels of oxidative stress, inflammatory markers, and growth factors, and damaging your cells, DNA, and organs. Smoking and alcohol can also affect your gut microbiota and your immune system, and increase your risk of various diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease. If you need help to quit smoking or reduce your alcohol intake, you can consult your doctor or a health professional, or join a support group or a program.
Various factors, such as inflammatory markers, growth factors, cell senescence, gut microbiota, and the immune system, can influence inflammation and aging. These are complex and interrelated processes. Chronic inflammation can cause aging and increase your risk of various diseases, but you can prevent or delay it by adopting a healthy lifestyle and making some simple changes in your habits.
By eating a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet, exercising regularly and moderately, managing your stress and practicing relaxation techniques, getting enough and good quality sleep, avoiding or quitting smoking, and limiting your alcohol consumption, you can reduce inflammation, slow aging, and improve your health and well-being.