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Why Sandhu’s Liver Cleanse & Detox and15 day Cleanse?

How Does this Combo Work?
Liver Cleanse & Detox :
Discover the Most Powerful Liver Support Supplement for Optimal Wellness!*
Introducing Sandhu’s Liver Cleanse & Detox, a comprehensive blend of 11 scientifically backed ingredients that work together synergistically to support your liver health.*
Milk Thistle – Supports Liver Cell Regeneration.*
With 80% silymarin, milk thistle extract helps neutralize free radicals, and supports cell repair.*(1-3) Studies suggest milk thistle supports liver protection, with noticeable improvements in 2 months.*(1-3)
Dandelion Root – Supports Liver Detoxification.*
Dandelion is rich in polysaccharides that helps the natural detox process, and helps protect the liver from damage, and support bile production.*(4,5)
Andrographis Paniculata Extract – Support Bile and Liver Function.*
Andrographis with 10% Andrographolides supports liver health by maintaining healthy bile flow and optimal liver function.* Its bitter and cooling properties support the liver and body tissues, helping detoxification and rejuvenation.*(6)
Zinc, Selenium & Vitamin E – Essential Nutrients for Liver Health.*
These minerals support liver health by activating enzymes for metabolic processes and detoxification, providing antioxidant support against oxidative stress, and helping in healthy immune function.*(7,8)
Beetroot – Natural Antioxidant Support.*
Beets, rich in antioxidants, support glutathione production, help neutralize oxidative stress, and supports restore detoxifying enzymes.*(9)
Turmeric – Help Minimize Fat Deposition.*
Curcumin from turmeric helps combat free radicals, supports detoxification, and maintain healthy cell function.*(10)
Grape Seed – Helps Maintain Liver Cells from Damage.*
With 95% Proanthocyanidin, grape seed extract helps neutralize the free radicals and ease oxidative stress on the liver cells.*(11)
Berberine – Supports Healthy Metabolism.*
Berberine supports healthy metabolism, energy levels, weight management, and gut health by helping metabolic enzymes, glucose uptake, lipid metabolism, and gut flora.*(12)
Ginger – Supports Digestive Health
With 5% gingerols, ginger root extract supports healthy digestion and helps in healthy weight management.*(13,14)
15 day Cleanse :
Sandhu’s 15-Day Cleanse: A Comprehensive Solution for Gut Health*
Are you dealing with bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, or weight gain? Do you often feel tired or moody? If so, your gut health might be at risk. Your gut does more than digest food; it has trillions of microbes that affect your immunity and mood. Poor diet, stress, and toxins can disrupt this balance, leading to health issues. Cleansing your gut is important to remove harmful substances. Sandhu’s 15-Day Cleanse is an 8-in-1 blend of herbs and probiotics that helps you achieve a clean and comfortable gut in just two weeks.*
8-IN-1 Effective Blend For a Clean & Comfortable Gut.*
•Senna Leaf and Cascara Sagrada Bark: These natural laxatives support healthy bowel movements, helping to flush out waste from the colon.* They also help ease occasional constipation and improve colon health.*
•Psyllium Husk: This prebiotic fiber supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, regular bowel movements, and overall digestive health.*
•Probiotics (LactoSpore®): These probiotics help ease common digestive discomforts like bloating and gas.* They also support immunity, mood, and cognitive function.*
•Flaxseed Powder: A nutritional powerhouse that supports healthy digestion through its rich content of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and antioxidants. It also supports healthy metabolism.*
•Aloe Vera & Licorice Root: These botanicals provide a soothing effect on the gut to supports the gut wall barriers and helps prevent leaky gut.*
•Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil Powder: MCT oil powder helps you maintain a healthy weight and satiety.* It supports metabolism and energy levels.* It also helps healthy brain function, memory, and focus.*